
That's fair. It'll probably grow on me the more i hear it, but i'm not sure if that's enjoyment or indoctrination.

Sounds like Vampire Weekend/The Strokes with all the riffs cut out. Hard pass.

if it stays that way once this film is in wide release, that is somewhat impressive.

I see vanity sizing went straight to her head.

This is pretty much my dilemma.

He was booked for a con this weekend. A lot of his friends were absolutely blindsided by the news. I'm praying his family wasn't. It's too much to take in right now.

He passed away this morning. I feel so awful for his family.

And don't try and tell me that isn't a weave ..

Everyrone has been sharing their personal stories and drawings from him. He was a man among men.

I agree completely. In fact, I'd argue I find all of these HB characters iconic because I grew up with the Adult Swim and C2C versions. I'm hoping this comic will find a entertaining medium between the edgier versions and the flatter, older ones.

I'll take that over what what marvel passes as adult movies these days. I could use a break from winks and in jokes after the last season of the Venture Bros.

It helps that their huge fans of both. It will be interesting to to see how this works out.

I'm excited!

The part where he shared his own experiences with domestic abuse was really powerful, even though it sucks that some people only have empathy when a man is speaking.

I don't think either of you do, actually. You should read the court case Allen lost before talking about what's evidence and what isn't.

I needed that laugh. Thank you.

Why are you using LGBT/BSDM language for someone who is more than likely an actual pedophile if you believe the Farrows?

Looks like a half assed dinner theater party, but I don't blame Vittorio Storaro. Woody's a tourist with a typewriter.

Oh, sure, you could try to defend me in an argument by saying, “Well, he was never convicted, and it’s possible that this little girl just made all that stuff up,” but, c’mon, anyone who says that is bound to sound like kind of an asshole, right?