

yeah, death is pretty slimming.

The judge didn't up let on Mia, either. I gotta go with the guy that saw all of the evidence.

No, the estimates are actually worse, because of shit like this going unreported.

Why would those standards go out the window? We're not in a court of law, so we are free to look at the bigger picture.

*mic drop*

You're not supposed to look directly at it!

Who wouldn't want to endure a exhausting court trail about child abuse where both parents would likely be scrutinized? What a great revenge plan!

"I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with fifteen 12-year-old girls
tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him." - Woody Allen

Do people really believe that brainwashing bullshit over child abuse statisics? yikes.

It feels like we're dancing around uncomfortable truths here. He'd never see a day in jail either way and the fact that some of these arguments won't even enterain the idea of weird shit going down after Dylan's confession is bizzare.They had nothing to gain, but a smear campaign.

Does he have gambling debt to settle? What is his deal?

Receipts? The casual racism with the corny up vote system is on par with reddit.

Stop huffing axe body spray and mimicking your inflatable girlfriend. It's scaring us.

That's a long way of saying you will never charm a woman without the aid of chlroform and the quiverfull movement..

but they're all floppy and have minds of their own

and yet here you are!

Translated from appalachian yokel dialect: "This has pretty good tracks although it drags in the middle. Not my cup of tea, overall. 2.5/5."

Who cares if it sucks, though? Plenty of people including me play several instruments and don't act like we deserve a gold star for it. Interesting music can come from unexpected places and that shouldn't be put down.

annoying rednecks pretentious prog rockers
Assholes that treat pitchfork like the bible
Straight up racists