
Nope. It started out as black lgbt slang before being hijacked by popular culture. The condescending ,snide corrections over slang are obnoxious. Sorry if I came of harsh if you didn't know that.

Go jack off to your shitty Styx records.

Jim Bob please! Geddy's voice was and is nails on a chalkboard and their fanbase is more insufferable than the beehive.

The way people replied to you was oddly hostile. The AV club feels like Reddit sometimes.

I want to frame this.


Boom! Drive home safely. Hug your loved ones tight tonight.

Did this make more sense in your head or…?!

Kind of flowery and annoying sure, but it's only completely incoherent if you're a socially awkward troglodyte like yourself..

I had to stop watching cable to stop seeing her, so that's a lie.

I love how many people she pisses off.

Accurate Translation:
This is pretentious condescension over black slang. I should piss off to Reddit.

Get offa dikachu's territory!

Uhm…this style runs small. I don't think you're gonna fit. I mean, your feet are kinda big.

What were you expecting, condams?

Now, stop fighting, you two are twins. For goodness' sakes, don't they have the same thoughts?!

I miss the loving, conscientious girl that occasionally wanted in on Bart's stupid schemes and had a hotline addiction. They completely messed up her balance.

Touché. The show didn't do anything for me, but it was nowhere near as bad as the hip hippos.

*Hot Take Below*

I remember staying up with friends to watch South Park and Viva Variety behind our parents back in the third grade. Good times. Great retrospective.