
My favorite episode to date.

People prefer comfortable lies and bullshit scenarios to uncomfortable truths and sex abuse statistics

Nothing says "Enjoy your lukewarm breakfast at the Cracker Barrel!" like the opening riff. Ants Marching just makes want to drive down i-95 with the wind in my hair and take the next exit to find the Discount Furniture expo.

my boyfriend did, but he had memorabilia he wanted to get rid of on ebay.

Is it true that Batman vs. Superman: Fight or Flight was considered as a title? cuz lol

I always liked it more than the Goonies for not having that shitty save the neighborhhood plot and having villians that were actually a threat, but it's was meant for preteens.

Understandable! I've been thinking about this subject so much, since i'm really worried about what messages my young cousin is getting from tv. Despite being family, our experiences with colorism aren't the same at all. The more people challenging this shit, the better.

I was agreeing with you as a black woman that got irritated with some of the comments here. I thought the upvote and numerous comments i've made gave that away, but I guess not!

Amen. I'm sure those women have a better grasp of thier history and struggles than you, but continue to be a passive agressive asshole over issues that don't affect you, I guess.

Most of the comments I saw seemed like they were venting out of love for the show. Could be wrong. Despite the quality, The pacing is a bit of a gamble since renewals aren't gurarenteed.

"Wow! It's fucking nothing, internet!"

Not falling asleep during U.S. history and listening to Black people when they share their experiences is ~ess jay double u nonsense~ now. No wonder Trump is winning!

It's bad enough you have people giving a million obtuse excuses as to why monoracial black women aren't casted as much as multiracial black women in film roles, but now you have excuses as to why they can't play roles meant for them all over the internet. Good to know historical accuracy only matters when stories

But anything less than licking Doc Hammer's ass and regurgiating quotes is bitching and whining to you people. Some of you are so uptight over the mildest dissention this show gets and I honestly don't get.

That's fair. Had the show just focused on Gus and Mickey's flaws without women throwing themselves at Gus, i'd give it more credit.

*jazz hands*

*fires up drill*

They have the right idea. I can't stand ketchup outside of fries

But they're so funky! Let's go the other way.

Why are we giving him the benefit of doubt after his writing team invited Andy Dick on the show? Seeing Andy refer to his past sexual assault cases as "getting a little gropey" was genuinely fucking creepy and it made me question if they were truly trying to subvert the nice guy trope like you guys claim. It's a fair