
Finding good cajun food is rare, but all of the food from Gumbeaux's cajun cafe is amazing. lobster bisque, fried green tomatoes, seafood gumbo, endless drinks, Dixie Jambalaya, etc. You can't go wrong.

They act like extras from Hogan's Heroes' and their attempts at being threatening fall flat because of it.

Way more depressing than funny, but still really entertaining.

The couple in question stole the biological mom's children during a custody battle. Just in case you thought this story couldn't get worse.

or a vibrator with several speeds

Me too. This was a bridge too far for me. She explained her dad lying about the story and he doubles down on the bullshit. Whatever heartbreak comes Gus's way is well earned.

If he had a spine, he would have did that at the bar. Plenty of average joes stand up to child abusers without shuffling their feet. The fact that she has to spell this out for him says a lot about his shit personality.

Mickey is not my favorite, but HOW do you hear a story about emotional child abuse and STILL act like a spineless suck up. In between carrying his own shit in hand at parties and this, there's legitimately nothing to like about him. There's so many different ways that could have been handled. Even awkward silence

I always thought Mike Judge was better at illustrating that point.

I guess the show did its job because i'm enchanted and irritated simultaneously.

Nailed it. This is my problem with Mickey's arc as well.

I disagree. There's plenty of attractive, interesting fuck ups in L.A., but she's never able to do better than neckbeards for reasons the show never really justifies. The writers really dropped the ball when it came to Mickey's and Gus exes.

Yeah, there was no reason for her to care that much beyond trying to save face. Nobody owes you their time.

Paul Rust has enough self awareness to laugh at himself. If I related heavily to a co dependent loser like Gus, I'd be upset with these comments, too.

After watching episode 8, I legitimately have no idea. Maybe she just needs to be alone.



I think Rushmore still holds up. Magnus the bully being one the smartest characters in the movie is a hilarious subversion, but I get people that don't want to spend time with Max too long

I imagine Ziggy and The Lockhorns being too rich for his blood.

I'll trade you two shits for half of your rats ass.