
“Mobilization of urban minorities”? What does it say about Democrats that they are so hated in AL that they were brought to a virtual tie running against a sexual predator? How bad is their brand? Forget a gameplan, the Dems need an entire new playbook - and America needs more political parties. AAAaand, AVClub isn’t

I’ve been coming to kotaku for a while, and I’m still in the pending category. I come to talk about games but I’m not allowed to talk! I like the site but you’ve got to choose. Am I in or out.

They need a SMB3 where Mario and Luigi both play in the same level at the same time (can jump on each others heads, steal coins, powerups, etc). I’d have a blast playing that with friends.

They changed the formula.

They changed the formula.

I’ll have to check out BF1. I just wish BF would add split screen.

Even better than MW3 survival? With choppers, dogs, juggs, gas guys, snipers and everything else? I always feel like the zombies are all the same.

Just curious, since we both buy games for couch-multiplayer, but are there any good ones out there? I’ve been replaying CoD World at War recently for the 2-player campaign. MW2 and MW3 were my favorites - help! I need a new game to play with friends.

Just curious, did any of you Zombie Mode fans play MW3 survival mode? What did you think of it?

They’ve got that wrong - if, say, half of the people play for campaign/ couch-multiplayer and the other half play online, the online players will rack up 9/10 of the hours. The devs look at the hours played and use that to justify ignoring half of their customers.


This is very meta, the AVClub drummed up a mini false outrage over a drummed up false outrage. You comment is my favorite - I never knew copy/pasting was such work!

AVCLUB! It’s time to ungrey people - half of the replies here are in the greys. You need all the commenters that you can get.

I get notifications. I try to read every reply to me - it’s only polite.

Meh - I didn’t read the article. I glanced at the first sentence, clicked a link and moved on.

Naw, he shouldn’t have said it - you can’t call a HS girl hot in any context - but I’m happy with him retracting the comment. My question is why this has any traction, and the answer is “thoughtless, angry mob.”

<Tips hat.>

The USPS is basically asking for proof that this is happening. It should be easy to provide, track down, and stop.

He called her hot, someone pointed out that she was 16 and he retracted it. So, what’s the discussion about? I’m really missing something here.

Naw, you were right. She was 18. (Well she wasn’t, but, err...)

Even if she was 18.

Jello Cheesecake is the best. It’s awesome, and I’m not just saying that because other, more expensive cheesecakes are just disgusting.