
Jello Cheesecake is the best. It’s awesome, and I’m not just saying that because other, more expensive cheesecakes are just disgusting.

A VPN is for privacy. It’s a $2.50/month investment in not giving your ISP the ability to profile you and sell your (and your childrens’) online habits. Note: you can ‘non-VPN’ traffic to Netflix and your xbox/PS4, which is a good idea to avoid latency (and the traffic there is encrypted anyway).

Now playing

My friend made a lifesized ghostbusters car for around $1400. Let me see if I can dig up a picture of it...

Trump is playing you like a fiddle. You’ve prioritized Franken over Taxes as a talking point (congratulations on that victory, BTW). You’re comparing a butt-grab to slavery as the Repubs elect a guy who was trying to f*** a 14 year old.

...and what “accountability” is appropriate for grabbing a butt in 1985 (and apologizing a few days later)? There is a difference between looking forward (how do we change the rules of workplace interactions) and a dredging up crap that was different contextually in the past.

That is insane and needs to be removed. Wow!

I’d like to see more players tossed out at the time for brutal helmet-to-helmet hits. In the Bengals Steelers game, it felt like the second hit warranted an instant toss, and when the guy stayed on the field you could feel both teams aiming to exact revenge.

It sounds like the terms are clear. It’s an insane thing to agree to in the first place.

Conservatives voted in a president who bragged about sexual assault on tape and are a coinflip for voting in a guy who was trying to get laid with a 14-year-old when he was in his thirties. Conservatives rail on about PC culture and look at #metoo with a conflicted feeling of support and distrust. The Franken thing is

The year was 1985. The first Nintendo was sold in test markets, Wham! was still together and Dustin Hoffman grabbed a butt.

If you are traumatized by having your butt grabbed 32 years ago, consult a doctor. If it happens today, consult HR (as a first step).

Lol. I got the forty year number from someone else, I never paid attention to what year it happened.

Forty years ago, Dustin Hoffman grabbed a woman on the ass, and apologized to her a few days later (according to the woman). She was young, 17, but over the age of consent. Roy Moore was trying to get laid by a 14 year old, which is under the age of consent of 16 for Alabama.

Wow. There is a great disconnect growing between “left” and “right” America on this issue. The incident happened forty years ago and while it was obnoxious, isn’t there a statute of limitations on this? Even John Oliver’s audience wasn’t fully won over.

How to talk with someone who has experienced trauma:

Prices are on the really cheap side of normal, though. A route I booked in early September is $1 cheaper today. It’s good to know - I thought early Sept was the cheapest.

I’m pissed off that we’re having a topical conversation - I even looked up flights - and we’re in the greys. Kinja, motto: Excluding you from the conversation.

If you need a checked bag, Southwest is the best deal right now (check their low fare map for availability). Otherwise United is a little bit cheaper.

It’s Tuesday and the prices are unchanged from yesterday.

Are tickets a great deal right now? Looks like it. How good? Well...