But it’s the new Kinja-improved AVClub! Where else are we supposed to go for political hate-watching masquerading as pop culture?
But it’s the new Kinja-improved AVClub! Where else are we supposed to go for political hate-watching masquerading as pop culture?
Stop. Giving. Assholes. Attention.
I fuckin’ hate Zombies, and was literally terrified and enraged that BLOP3 made me play a round in the campaign.
Yeah I’ve tried a few different zombies modes in COD games and I found them boring as dirt.
Always been disappointed by how great Zombies could in theory be. Still had the best time playing some of the original maps from World at War. All the crazy gimmicks, new zombie types, convoluted tasks... it’s never been as fun as trying to get the best guns and find a decent spot to hold of increasingly larger waves.…
News flash the new COD is a turd. I stopped playing it fairly quickly. On the other hand the new Bf1 maps are killer and new conquest style mode game tweaks are great. Glad I got COD free from a friend rather than playing it.
You should totally add a layer of latency to your online gaming experience!
Article ignores that Netflix knows about VPNs, discovers new ones over time, and blocks them. Same for iPlayer if you’re trying to get the BBC.
yes, this article was written by an advertising person, not a gamer.. a VPN would make any online game unplayable.
It sounds good for certain aspects, like watching region-locked videos, but wouldn’t this be potentially horrendous for online gaming, adding latency and increasing your ping?
I might catch some flak here, but I’ll go for it. Does this make anyone else feel uneasy? We’ve used Franken as the posterboy of our ability to kill our own darlings, and now that we’ve managed to destroy his career — a career he would have continued to use to speak up for women — I feel like we’ve only managed to…
Exactly, I thought she was a terrible canidate and I was scared of how bad a president she would be. But I voted for her because the alternative was so much worse.
Jesus, people are still trying to blame everything but Hillary Clinton herself for Hillary Clinton’s loss. What’s next, you going to pull the “If you voted third party YOU’RE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME” card too? How far down the rabbit hole does this still have to go before maybe admitting that Clinton wasn’t the great…
Here’s what is insane. It states in the rule book that the refs have the ability to throw players out of the game. This is at the end of the Defenseless player rule:
Rapaport is inarticulate, but happens to have a point.
I think the majority of us have done something in our life that we regret. To castigate someone for a one time incident is a bit much 40 years later. Not condoning such behavior I would be more concerned with people who have had multiple accusations across the years.
Where are these stellar deals to be found? Flights on Kayak, Southwest, BA, Icelandair, Norwegian, and JAL don’t really seem to be any different than normal.
“You can watch the escape as it transpires”
Uh, ok. We won’t do things NK style. Agreed.
I have a real problem with people that think that we are the choices that we make as teens. There's a reason that the age of consent and legal age exist; young people have less experience on which to base right and wrong, and lack major critical thinking skills. We all did stupid things when we were young, some worse…