Live! Nude Squirrels!

Clarkson is such a despicable little turd.

We need to bring back throwing rotten fruit and vegetables.

She’s giving interviews to put pressure of Subway in hopes they’ll make a settlement with her. This public exposure is all on her.

She already paid for it.

C’mon. A ‘your mom’ joke was too much for you? Really? I thought you were edgy?

They’re not strangers if you pay up front.

  • Why is a sober person not wanting alcohol news?

Let’s not bring your mother into this.

You beautiful bastard.

You’re trying too hard. Words have more than one meaning.

Why are there heterosexual men but no heterosexual women? That seems to take it from a programming decision to a rather odd bias.

Wants to devote more time to his foot fetish.

I bet a lot of people say ‘n****r’.

Cat’s on the nod, duh.

No, you don’t.

No you don’t.

When did Michelle write this?

You sound like you need a hug and maybe some help pulling your head out of your ass.

That was such a good game.