Oh no he deadn't!

For the remainder of his miserable fucking life - may it be brief. 

If it’s more important for you to have an emotional “moment” than to have a fair outcome, go watch a fucking movie.  

Holy shit, I’ve been in meetings all day. I’m just catching up with the CL action. And meh... United losing at the Camp Nou is the least surprising thing of this round. They’re resurgent under Ole, but they still have glaring holes in that lineup. They’re just not up to Barca’s level.

London (CNN Business) The billionaires behind luxury giants LVMH Group, Kering and L’Oreal on Tuesday pledged a combined €500 million ($565 million) towards an official investigation after a massive fart ripped through the First Take set.

just what they needed, more hot air.

What does fate have in common with Rudy Giuliani? They both like to fuck Cousins.

Did you just fucking Bing something?

What an unlikable team.

Well, it’s hilarious, so that’s something.

Popovich and Steve Kerr are also great on this topic. It’s amazing how bad football is even though the racial league makeup is somewhat similar. And yet, most offensive lines in football are one step removed from a Klan meeting.

You know what was awesome about Paul Pierce? Kevin Garnett.

The Truth hurts. 

Haha, sounds like it’s time for you to move to the suburbs!

A white dude in a Rasta hat and a fake sport with a Hall of Fame. America, what the fuck are we doing here?

You two have the same dog?!

This shit is sometimes a scam by BIG DENTAL! My previous dentist told me I grind my teeth in my sleep and need a night guard. He even showed me evidence of where they were worn down from the grinding. I thought it was odd that my wife had never mentioned hearing it and I had never experienced any of the symptoms

What are the next steps? Well, I suspect we will all murmur our outrage, do some Google sleuthing in order to sound informed, and then take to social media...for a few minutes.

It’s ok that he called him fat.

So if it turns out Kogut is a crooked ref, does he get the money back?

That sums up America about immigrants with their hypocrisy.