Oh no he deadn't!

Because here you are...


lol salty ass bitch ass celtics fan


That’s crazy talk. No one is gonna remember that they played their hearts out in a few years. We’ll remember that they lost the title. Society man

Name checks out

Bro that’s just a hustler I’m sure Toronto has waaaay bigger scams going on...


Just wanna say you’re a helluva writer...


Did anyone here notice that CM Punk himself commented on that pic of him and the guy on the linked instagram post? 

“oh my god” wtf bro?! It’s “baahgaaaawd”

FryCook probably doesn’t even realize that he just got sonned!

White people are out of control.

White people are out of control.

You win.

Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!

lol shut up Draymond

Funniest/saddest thing is those “elite” club teams are hardly where the real talent is. We had a couple of those teams join our warehouse league (mostly hispanic teams with some black/white teams sprinkled in). kids that are all pretty much committed or being looked at for college soccer in the area (The “souf”). In

ha ha shut your ass up

Well I already have one of them baby things soooo fair enough, carry on!