I think most Deadspin readers would agree that Luis is the resident soccer knower, and Haisley is the resident soccer idiot
I give both of them 2 years at most.
Stewart Zimmel.Since I have no way to contact you are you owe me nearly $6,000 I ask you to contact me about payment.
Low-hanging fruit, but still not nearly as childish and offensive as the average tweet coming from the bankrupt conman sitting in the White House.
Neymar is Soccer Kyrie, with the pseudo-intellectualism replaced by refreshingly straight greed
- everyone watching him roll around on the ground
his mom’s cooter and subpar implant placement
If you were Barron, would you ever go on the internet?
It should be the response or replacement of the “U-S-A” chant so often heard at US national sporting events.
“FUCK TRUMP” should be the chant at every event, internationally.
They don’t. They think “He’s having to push back against all these savages, that’s why he looks unhinged! I look like that all the time, especially when my wife makes me beat her.”.
The headline over on Deadspin Deportes reads:
Bone hugs in harmony.
I’m a Cavs, Browns, and Indians fan. Go ahead and prove every Boston fan stereotype correct.
but man, this is not at all how it was supposed to go!
Could you be more specific?
Now we know what it takes for a black man not to get shot by a cop—19,000 witnesses.
You’re absolutely right about all of this. On the one hand, I feel absolutely terrible that the warriors were so devastated by injury, I never like to see anyone injured, and I sincerely hope both Durant and Thompson make full recoveries and are granted their respective max contracts, no matter where they may be.…
“Kawhi, where did you learn to talk like that?”