Righteous Indignation

Mercury poisoning really could explain a lot about Ms. Carey.

that’s probably due to how many Canadian based shows are on HGTV.

If you think about it, HGTV has probably done as much to normalize LGBT relationships as anything on television. I mean, years ago you could tune in and watch same-sex couples house hunt.

“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”

Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?

Pipelines and gay conversion therapy: Returning to a hellhole near you!

So ordering an evacuation due to “snow,” but also forbidding emergency services from assisting them if needed, TOTALLY shows that the state is just concerned for their safety.

Wow cool, I went through a time portal. I have no idea how the fuck i’m on the internet in 1816, but it certainly can’t be 2016. We certainly would not still be pulling shit like this in TWENTY FUCKING SIXTEEN!....oh wait we are. Sounds about right.

Okay, but can reporting on this story PLEASE emphasize that the camp is located on unceded treaty land? Not only are they being ordered to leave, but they’re being ordered to leave land that actually belongs to them.

“protesters and police clashed.” This is irresponsible reporting. Police attacked peaceful protestors. Get your story straight.

And yet your comment is here. And out of the grays. Crazy, huh?

If you’re spending any time on r/all... that’s the wrong way to reddit. I’ve whittled my front page down to subreddits like r/campingandhiking, r/personalfinance, r/nba, etc. It’s a useful tool if you curate it for yourself and I haven’t seen a single trace of r/the_donald all year.

Enormously distressing is dealing with all of those things without the resources Kim and Kanye have. Put it in perspective here people.

Steve Bannon is the deadly space virus.

Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.

She’s not even mean. She just retells experiences about ridiculous behavior from celebrities.

I don’t get the Kathy Griffin hate on here. She’s basically the staff at Jezebel if the staff at Jezebel attended events with A-listers.

While nobody’s debating that Leo’s a douche, including Leo himself apparently, people who try to police the phone use of others are generally assholes.

Does Kathy think these stories make her sound good? She just sounds like a fucking asshole, over and over.

“In early October, the BBC interviewed Fatemah, questioning Bana Alabed’s English skills and the veracity of the claim that a seven-year-old was tweeting her experience with such clarity.”