Righteous Indignation

There are a lot of things that we’ll lie to our kids about as they grow up. Lying about a jolly, benevolent type whose mission revolves around giving gifts to people isn’t the worst thing. And learning that Santa isn’t “real” isn’t as painful as you might think. The key is to not overpromise or use him as a threat.

I am not a huge fan of Christmas, mostly because of the disgusting displays of consumption as sport. But I usually bow down and take my place in the check-out line since I’m a parent and what else am I going to do? Not give my daughter gifts?

Perhaps this is a bit O/T but I’ve always been curious about the mentality of these white supremacists, whose belief system is based on the genetic superiority of the white race but every single one of them look like, well, like Roof: skinny, unhealthy and clearly genetically damaged. I just don’t understand how they

You’re pissed because you were rightfully scolded for making a desperate for a star stupid joke about the recording quality from someone who is on the scene, and is in actual, real danger, in a place where multiple people have been killed.

Yeah. Fuck off. Think before you speak, and then, maybe don’t speak at all.

there’s a lesson here: tongue-in-cheek doesn’t translate via Kinja. Especially when most are horrified and worried. Even with your explanation I still think you’re insensitive.

You, however, can fuck off.

Isn’t it GREAT that we now have to have a “stop, drop and roll” for active shooter situations at schools? JUST GREAT. (heavy, sobbing sarcasm)

Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

In Argentina, where I am from, we celebrate “cumplemes” (“monthday”) for babies. Instead of “cumpleaños” (birthday), we celebrate each month they grow older until babies are a year old.

Caveat: If you are an early childhood educator, GET ON IT, STAY ON IT, even if the parents don’t want to hear it. Advocate for assessment and services. Early intervention is best for all sorts of learning differences and special needs.

I really hope it’s just a giant wooden coffee table.

Agree the child’s privacy should be respected. I think, though, that the unprecedented cost to the rest of us for protection as a result of her decision is fair game for criticism.

Fuck Ivanka for a million things but most of all for having a wood burning fire place in a New York City apartment. That’s a holy grail and she does not deserve it

Because it is no one’s business how this family chooses to address their child’s autism if he has it and absolutely irresponsible to speculate when it is very possible that he doesn’t.

Why is speculating whether Barron is autistic considered to be mean and terrible, as if autism were some kind of mark of shame? Frankly, the kid does seem a little non-reactive for his age, but acknowledging that he’s neuro-atypical wouldn’t be the worst thing the Trump family had to deal with. As far as expecting

Rosie O’Donnell ‘diagnosing’ anyone for anything based on video and pictures is gross. I don’t care if her intentions were good, or that she has a personal connection with the illness(?) and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with being autistic. This is so irresponsible it makes her less credible to me. I am


She used to be in my mom’s catalogues when I was growing up.

I actually prefer to think that Lindsay Lohan is a low-grade Instagram troll and just forgot to switch between her troll account and her Lohan official account.