Righteous Indignation

Related (but only slightly): Does anyone else remember them being the Berenstein bears? They are actually the Berenstain bears and there are some next-level conspiracy theories out there as to why their name has changed.

I am so grateful that shade court has returned and I can now commence my weekly countdown to 2pm Friday where I obsessively refresh Jezebel until it appears. Normalcy has resumed. Life is regular again.

Maybe. But not one based on a gratuitously violent graphic novel.

Ugh. JDM plays him so well. I’m a grade A lesbian over here but damn if this psychopath doesn’t make me think my whole life has been a lie.

Yeah but what else is there in a post-apocalyptic world? It’s always good vs. evil. 

We did all the same things when my daughter was new. Dinosaur onesies! No bows! No sparkles! And we thought we got out of the unnecessary-gendering-of-too-small-children-thing unscathed. But now she’s almost 3 and she will hardly leave the house unless she’s dressed head to toe in the most awful Minnie Mouse or My


Yeah. I’m Canadian and I kind of thought the Donald Trump for president thing was a joke. But it just kept going and it’s long past being funny anymore. He keeps getting rewarded for being the vilest and I keep having to ask myself “is this for real?”.

Cardigans are instant tiny satan calmers, it is known.

What did she say? I need to know!

Yes! She looked great! And her speech was great and those tweets were great and I’m just genuinely happy with this outcome. :’)

Ahh, I loved Asylum! Aliens, zombies and a psychopathic scientist were like footnotes to the drama, and I thought it was great.

Both Freak Show and Hotel start off strong and end up a meandering yet predictable mess. If you’re into shows with the middle parts being a terrible disappointment and the end being a relief you reach at long last, it might be worth it to watch.

I wonder about this too! What really drives me nuts are the ‘famous’ instagram moms who trade every ounce of their kids’ private lives for likes and ego strokes. I just don’t get it. At least the bloggers are making money, I guess?

I got the Batman Forever and Dangerous Minds soundtracks on CD one summer with my baby sitting money and they were basically all I ever needed. So good.

My roommate broke my childhood mcdonald’s batman forever mug last week. :( Is this grounds for eviction?


Ugh yeah. I try to stay off the ‘We Hate Dunham’ train but why does she have to make it so hard. Schumer came off better in this interview. How is that even possible?

ermergerd. I can’t even with this song. My 2 year old is obsessed with it and we have to listen to no less than 30 times in day. All in row. Bonus points for the video.

Can confirm. Former Quebecer.