Righteous Indignation

And the whole “I have an Asian friend” thing did not come across at all. Cho specifically said she’d suggest producing something with Asian actors, to which Swinton responded that she was doing just that.

This stood out to me as well. I imagined TS had said something along the lines of, “why are people criticizing

How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

This makes Margaret Cho look pretty astonishingly two-faced, tbh. Which is about the last thing I could imagine Margaret Cho being accused of. Maybe she felt like she had to be nice to Tilda because she didn’t know her well, and as she gained distance from the conversation she started to resent that she was put in a

No one is perfect, not Swinton and not Cho.

“...She’s so... neutral in appearance. She’s like a stock molding of a human before any identifiers for gender or nationality are applied...”

Because Cho took a lead in the #whitewashedout campaign, triggered in part by Swinton being cast in this role. She’s been very outspoken about this issue for a long time, which is great.

I don’t think Swinton is racist...BUT, I think her schtick of always being “above it all” has turned against her in this case. Her kneejerk reaction to any controversy in Hollywood is something along the lines of “guys what’s the big deal we’re all just spirits *swans away*”, except in this situation it comes across

Sorry, but I think you only owe respect to people who are being respectful and considerate. No Asian, no person, is anyone’s token anything.

Because racism is American only. The British colonizers don’t even know what that is! Europe is a utopia!

It’s not a question of “owing” anybody anything. It’s a question of just not being a shitty person. Generally speaking, if someone asks you to keep something to yourself, the decent thing to do is respect that request, not blab about the whole thing on some guy’s podcast.

Why does Cho have to keep Swinton’s “confidences”? She’s not Tilda’s therapist, minister, professor even her friend. Some chick got offered a role and took it, if she really wanted to know about the controversy regarding the casting why not act like a professional and get professional advice from, say, a professor of

There’s also the whole magical negro trope problem with the character if an Asian actor had been cast.

Tilda Swinton is one of the most gifted actresses working today. Margaret Cho is a salty, talentless halfwit whose chief marketable skill is best described as an ability to be unfunny in public. Who gives a fuck what she thinks? And fuck her for betraying Swinton’s confidence after she was asked to keep their

I think the real annoyance here doesn’t just stem from them casting a non Asian but then fixing her up to look Asian nonetheless. If you didn’t know Swinton was white, could you tell from how she looks in this movie?

Lol I always thought the only thing ethereal about her was how paper-white she is.

It bears repeating the previous article’s rather pragmatic top post on this whole calamity:

Typical Swinton. Refusing to acknowledge her Spacebug-Weirdo Privilege.

The most surprising thing about this to me is that she reached out to Margaret Cho - like, did they already know each other..? Is Cho the only asian person she could think of?

Ugh. Tilda Swinton is a lovely alien. I lovely white alien that doesn’t understand racism. I’m glad Cho is telling people about this. This is how white people think. Even white people who seem super ethereal and enlightened.