The Grey King

Hooray racism!

So how did they justify this one? Are cops allowed to use their cars to hit people? I’d think if they are not they wouldn’t be talking about it in the car. Seems retarded when they know they are being recorded.

Could this be a symptom of the refugee crisis?

Way to body shame the bunnies.

Playboys will be playboys.

Yeah? Well you, that’s just like, your opinion, man.

I’m not your dude, bro. You didn’t answer the question. Does the bill put feeling someone up on the same level as full penetration? I see it as the difference between assault with a deadly weapon and murder. Both are terrible but 1 is worse than the other. Or am I wrong?

If the definition of rape has been expanded to include all “non-consensual” sexual assault what is the definition of consensual sexual assault? Didn’t think that could be a thing. Thought all sexual assault was by its nature non-consensual.

As far as AB 701; what was the Cali definition of sexual assault? If someone grabs a boob is that rape now? I always associated rape with some kind of insertion.

And holds your hand because you can’t cross the street by yourself.

Way to start the weekend on a happy note.

Garnish their wages? Would just force them to work overtime. That’s probably worse.

Have you seen the movie? Getting justice for loved ones is more important than any punishment you could receive.

Why haven’t anyone of the victims’ family members gone full Law Abiding Citizen yet?

No, no it’s not. But if you tell the “artists” that it will hurt their feelings.

If you want to understand start by smashing your head into a wall for 20 or 30 minutes. You have to dumb yourself down.

Contemporary artists are terrible people.


Spare me. It took less than 30 seconds to prove you wrong. The second picture in the slideshow.

In other Alabama related news: Marrying your cousin still cool.