You’re preaching to the choir lol
It’s been said before but I’ll go ahead and reiterate: if you want to be skinnier, eat less and work out more. Even better, stop eating crap.
I’m reasonably sure your job doesn’t involve eating vitamin Pb.
Yeahhhh... I feel like if your job *literally* requires you to take a bullet for someone else — especially the POTUS — there shouldn’t be a cap on your income.
Do you face the possibility of getting shot or killed every day on your job? If not, STFU.
I just came to say no on the teeth of the model. I can’t get behind that space.
Right, but these workers have zero skills or worth and can be replaced easily with other illegal immigrants or robots.
Who the fuck cares? Why would you even write a story about this? College men are sexually attracted to college females? Ohh shit, call the cops. If the women’s team did this to the men’s team, you would be calling it “empowering”.
You must not read this site very much then.
In other news, water is wet.
Yeah, cause women NEVER judge guys by how they look.
If anything, society owes that police officer an apology for not investing adequately in mental health programs that prevent us from having to force him to solve situations that extend beyond his training.
Even when they point a gun at you? I don’t know the facts of this case, but if she did threaten to shoot, what exactly are the options?
Really? Hope you’re out to make a cheap provocation.
Thank God for the unaffiliated housss!
How about I decide what’s worth my time and what isn’t.