The Grey King

Only takes 1 dumb motherfucker.

The way for prisoners to get changes in labor conditions is to purposely to do bad job. Make mistakes, move slowly and generally suck at the task they are assigned. Shouldn’t be too hard since they suck at life to begin with. And it’s not like they’ll starve if they lose the job. Eventually the amount of waste caused

Let him starve. Sucks to suck.


Let Gary debate!

Could it be a lighting thing? Or is there trouble fitting them in the frame?

Words are wind...You know nothing Anna Merlan.

Yup!!! Alpha as fuck!!!!!

Somebody’s getting laid tonight!

You cut deep bro.....You cut deep.....Guess I’ll go masturbate now.....Use my tears as lube.

You mad bro?

That’s not true at all. I care about it and my girlfriend cares about. My parents and her parents want grandchildren so I’m going to count them too. That’s 6 whole people!

I don’t care what you look like. I just don’t want to see you. Also, everyone should go to the gym.

Its sad you need your primary care doctor to tell you how to lose weight. Do your own research and contact a weight loss specialist. You could have googled weight loss apps or weight loss trackers or diets or how to lose weight in a few seconds. You and these millions of people need to take some personal

Indeed. Sucks to suck.

First, I think anyone getting this procedure IS an idiot.

You also weren’t born just to stuff cookies in your face. Chocolate chip or otherwise.

Then tell her to work out. Working out helps release happy brain chemicals. People feel better after they work out.

That’s not a very good example. The sink doesn’t have energy stored in fat it could burn for energy.

Fine. Just stay out of my eye line.