Explain please.
Explain please.
Scissor me timbers!
That depends on what you definition of “is” is.
Of course he’s not gay. He just has a wide stance in the bathroom.
Where you disappointed too?
Someone will always find something to bitch about.
Money talks.....
So it’s based on the north side. South side’s got some stuff going on. Not talking about the cubs.
You suck. Double downs are awesome and now I really want 2. All I’ve got is a crappy granola bar until lunch.
He doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who can relax and ease it out.
Sometimes you wake up really early in the morning and have to take a huge dump. You’ve got to do something to pass the time in there.
Thanks! Here’s a story to brighten your day. http://www.today.com/series/veterans/once-suicidal-marine-veteran-finds-peace-thanks-service-dog-she-t103325
Liberal professors taking to many liberties.....
Can we all just agree that unless you have a medical issue you should not be obese? Stop eating; start sweating.
Worse than murderers?
You know you don’t have to read these articles or comment, right? There are plenty of articles about other subjects.
We won’t know unless you ask. Maybe hold off asking until after the sponge bath.