Queen of Thorns

Yep, and alt-rights huffed and puffed and got all pissed off about it. . .including Trump himself! Now they’re all like, eh, whatever, he’s under a lot of pressure and golf helps him relax. The staggering amount of hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of these people is truly astounding. They’re utterly shameless.

I know we joke around here a lot, and despite what our girlfriends say, we are ok at it. But whoever did this, show yourself. This shit is brilliant and I’m dying.

He then picked up the ball and travelled 3 steps backward. Must have lost focus and started thinking about the Instagram models he plans on paying for sex after the game

Speaking as a Bostonian, youah a queeah.

Oh God, Curt Schilling is logging into the Internet right now.

Strong name+comment synergy right here.

I’ve never read a cold shower before.



Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.

Really Deadspin? It’s come to this? Articles about whether or not two ice dancers are fucking? Whatever happened to the good old days when we’d get articles about whether or not KD and Westbrook were fucking?

The team could have halted their performance to quickly repair the uniform, but would have suffered a massive point deduction.

The FCC was so pissed off at NBC’s coverage of the nip slip that it sent a $500K fine to Janet Jackson again.

Nominating for comment of the year.

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Yeah I was waiting for the sentence about them being from South Florida or something and it just never came.

The whole premise of this article Are we supposed to feel bad for the Knierims? Proud of them for skating in a circle well after watching the news? I expected them to be from Parkland, or something. I’m sure a lot of NBA and NHL players had a similar experience this evening.