Just gonna leave this here:
Just gonna leave this here:
“where I come from”???? Vermont? Brooklyn? Sanders has no fucking clue about the places Hillary lost.
Bernie Sanders dissmisses racism and sexism in favor of giving the same tired old stump speech over and over again. Hillary was actually popular before Sanders legitimized right wing attacks against her. Even now that Trump has won he is *still* dismissing misogyny as a non-issue:
I love this post.
It was only 53% if that makes you feel better.
This was lovely. Thank you.
Women can hate women and too many of them do. Misogyny is internalized. They’re too busy panting after the approval of white men to see their own oppression. Dog women.
Let me guess: Univision is instituting a harsher dress code.
Hey, If worked for Bernie... why not?
Here ya go: https://twitter.com/algiordano
They’re all great. ‘Hold Up’ is my current fave, but 10 minutes ago it was ‘All Night’.
It’s pretty much inevitable now. Try to do better in the future and President Gilmore may forgive you.
It’s SEVENTH place now! Get it right! How dare you disrespect Jim Garglemore like this?
We have to fix that in future primaries.
This times a million. Consider the “establishment” you’re “rebelling” against people.
I don’t know about you but issues of consent and abuse were part of my public high school’s sex-ed course (I’m a woman). They should be a standard part of education and indeed already are in many cases.
Maybe Norway has the right approach:
troll grade: 1/10
If you think my argument has changed then you never understood my argument.