Nacho Mammal

Again, note that yoga is the example set by this article.

You missed it. See, The Noble Renard is *protecting* the skinny white women. And it’s only about ‘wellness’ trends that cause them physical harm like if they stop eating. ... but somehow only if they pay $100 for it. Free fasts don’t count.

Yoga is literally the example used in this matchup article.

The women’s march shouldn’t be about four specific women. They’ve done a lot of hard work. However, they didn’t start the movement, and they aren’t why most women participated. If the ‘Women’s March’ is going to be a strong permanent entity it needs to have a structured way of choosing leaders. This would hopefully

How to tell if an article in nonsense:

Ah thanks. Sorry, I don’t usually spend time in comments on the main sites (especially splinter where I’m in the grays). Sorry for feeding it.

Uh. yeah. That story (Donald Trump isn’t being investigated by the FBI) has widely been proven complete bunk.

I really haven’t. And the rest of my comments should answer your question. Why don’t you answer mine? How and why did you ever think she was a Clinton fan? It seems absurd to me.

More links for you:

This took me two seconds of googling to find:

So the score on Jezebel is now:

Are you kidding? Maggie Haberman has had a decade long grudge against Clinton, and the NYT’s Hillary double standard is well known.

So he was punished and then eventually fired?

I loved Santa Clarita Diet! It definitely didn’t get enough attention.

The actor who played Lewis did such a great job. I really liked this episode.

Karen Page is awesome. Haters gonna hate.

So this came across my twitter feed:

Congratulations! Great move on the Root’s part to hire you!