Nacho Mammal

It’s also kind of rich Saikat Chakrabarti kicked Uygur out of Justice Democrats claiming they believe in women’s and minorities issues. He’s the douchebag that went after Sharice Davids, a Native American woman and said she was a white supremacist enabler while he was AOC’s chief of staff.  So he can eat a bag of

My favorite is how he endorsed and got his people to fund Randy Bryce, when by all accounts the woman running against Bryce in the primary (Cathy Myers) had a much better shot. She actually had some experience. Bryce was just a caricature for what very online leftists think “working class” people are.

My favorite bad endorsement of his is Tim Canova. That dude has been trying—unsuccessfully—to unseat Rep. Wasserman-Schultz for years now. He’s also a Seth Rich truther. Bernie now acts like he doesn’t know the guy.

Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.

“If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you’re offended by it, you’re 100 percent right,” Uygur said. “And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy.”

She was put on the no-fly list and had an entire secret service investigation into her over this, which is definitely over the top. FWIW, I think she also had to like entirely self-finance and do all the back-end work for this concert special. 

That is Joan Summers of Jezebel’s words/editorialization, not Kathy Griffin’s.

You’re so scared of mean girls disagreeing with you. :( That’s why you keep dismissing my comments, isn’t it? :( :(

All its missing is the Young Turks spending a good day blaming the establishment media for this....somehow.

These two ladies suck. Chelsea Clinton - an unelected person with no real power or platform is responsible for the NZ mosque attack??

“Your interpretation of our tweet is completely wrong! You killed people with it! Our interpretation of your tweet is completely right! Apologize to us! On video and on the internets!

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting

Of course it isn’t antisemitic to criticize Israel. Nobody on the left has suggested otherwise. It IS antisemitic to say it’s all about the Benjamins and say people are swearing allegiance to the state of Israel over the interests of the United States, which is Protocols of Zion shit.

Yup, the old 'divide and conquer'. I think I'll start drinking now. 

Personally I feel Omar’s comments were antisemitic. If a politician had used the same type of stereotypical imagery to talk about Muslims, they would rightfully have been accused of islamiphobia, even if they had made those comments in the context of, say, otherwise valid criticism of Saudi Arabia. It’s true that

These protesters were wearing Bernie shirts. To them the Clintons are guilty of everything under the sun.

You and me both.

Of course it doesn't. These protesters are a joke.

If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.