I don’t see any holes that AskYourMother poked in my argument.
I don’t see any holes that AskYourMother poked in my argument.
(From my reply to AskYourMother)
I feel like plumbers in countries where you can’t flush paper probably use this same reasoning to blame paper flushers... Thus cultural standards become the reasoning behind placing blaming for clogs. I think plumbing systems should be expected to handle tampons. I guess we’ll just have to disagree.
Right... like I said I UNDERSTAND how it works with septic systems, but thanks for misreading/assuming I’m an idiot.
It seems like there should be an independent review process. I wouldn’t trust (almost entirely male) plumbers to make the call... I feel like they don’t know much about menstruation and are probably biased enough to disproportionately blame tampons.
I don’t even know for the US... I don’t use them anymore... it’s been years since I looked at the included instructions; but they definitely used to say to flush them.
I remember cause I somehow got into a fight with my dad about it. I pulled out the instructions and was like “See! Tampax agrees with ME!”. I never had any problems.
Back when I started my period, the tampons used to say ‘flush down the toilet’ right in the instructions. Has that changed? (I use a cup now #likeaboss)
This gif makes today’s hearing totally worth it. I take back everything bad I said about it.
Joe Biden is hawt. Also, how does one get approved around here?
It took me about two seconds of googling to prove you wrong:
According to Buzzfeed she spoke there today:
And yet here’s the lead article at buzzfeed:
I just want to see if Colbert’s ‘Hunger Games’ spoof will be a recurring segment (please, please, please).
The Walking Dead had a great season... just sayin’.
Dogs and cats need a higher refresh rate to perceive video (instead of just a series of pictures). Some tvs can handle this, but most stuff is still filmed and broadcast at too low a rate... except for sports programs sometimes. Thats probably why there are various videos of dogs going crazy over sports programs:
I’m still waiting for the day when tv refresh rates will be high enough for cats and dogs.
Then let your wife and other women speak for themselves. You have been taking it farther than anyone.
It’s not a dodge. The answers to all your questions are in the linked article. Your behavior is not new or rare.
Here is a good resource for you: