
And use bob-omb balls! Or these things...

This is quite hilarious and depressing at the same time... I am slightly confused...

Oh grod... that Banana Split Edition costumes... xD

I played it at E3 as was not impressed with it... still want to give the game a second chance. For me it felt a bit lacklustre, I played only the first two levels of the game (the one you played and the one that followed it in the demo) and was left with a bad taste in my mouth, same feeling I had with Harmo Knight...

Tina knows where it’s at~

I think Yannick might be a killer dancer...

Who’s the best dancer?

I agree with you... especially on how different you see all these awards once you actually go to the show.

Now playing

Made better by the clashing sweaty palms of the sumo fighters~

What slowed down the localisation of the RH games wasn’t the text itself, but re-recording the lyric-centric songs =/ but yeah Q2 2016 is a good bet.

Now playing

I’m going to be honest with you Richard, I was only looking forward for this game:

I would have loved to see someone ask Mr. Tezuka or Mr. Miyamoto what Super Mario Maker means for the sidescroller future of the series (from what I’ve seen, no one has asked this question before, correct me if I’m wrong). Is the NSMB series over? And if so does it mean we no longer have to suffer the ‘boops’ and

They always reply to me:

Exactly... he’s just another human beign! Like us... he has flesh, bones and a lizard brain!

See! Yoshida is just like you and me, whenever he’s stuck in a game he calls his friends for help!

So... where are my super powers?

To Luke Smith:

Well... they’re a legendary team, and have Grant Kirkhope as a spokeperson ^^ Have you heard that guy ramble? He’s super entertaining, he could make a baseball game feel like an action movie! Plus he’s also hilarious!