
But can I expect the best dad jokes in this podcast? 

Outer Wilds still is my GOTY for 2019, and honestly I don’t think any other game coming out this year will be able to take its position at the top.

Someone please donate him a PC or an Xbox One D:

Does Ben has it in him to be the best astronaut the Outer Wilds has ever seen?

Sounds like sister is the best sister 🤔

okay :(

No he is not xD

DQXI doesn’t look like like the kind of game that could pull these stories, but damn every single time it makes my heart break... T.T

The most tragic story here is how people forget about the true hero of DQXI 😭

Straight from the source

There was an update (i think it was around summer last year) that did away with the time mechanic, in addition to a lot of QoL changes. You should give it a try now :3 

It’s true, although they are far behind Mexico who is one of the biggest producers of vanilla in the world~

Last year was the year of Roguelikes for me. Ditto was the perfect distraction after I spent the first half of the year trying to become a pro at playing Link to the Past at a competitive level. The Zelda-inspired game design was a perfect transition for me but the graphics and cute sound effects hooked me in... Then

“Sonic Vanilla” sure does taste like regular vanilla to me, and I’m starting to understand why there aren’t many other cereals that shoot for that flavor as their selling point.

Quality > Quantity

Not when you’re invited to attend the event. That would be just rude. And maybe I have some interest in what MS has to offer, after all I rather have a competitive industry over a Sony/Nintendo monopoly (Who don’t even compete with each other).

The promise: to take an aging presentation format and make it dull.

You were busy with all these articles... and this week I’m traveling T.T