
Monster Hunter World... Sorta :( It’s been a while since we last played

There’s zero stress. Minit is very generous with checkpoints, especially when the journey is a long one.

There’s very little punishment for dying, since that’s the main gimmick of the game. The game teaches you how to become a better player, how to maximize the time you have available. It’s like speedrunning 101 but less punishing.

No. I am birb.

You’re the worst.

Bagel Goose <3 Always joining the party. He just wants a little love~

Another amazing analysis. Thank you for this and all the previous videos you’ve made Heather :)

If there’s a hot dog based pokemon... does it count as a sandwich type or not?

Now playing

Sonic R. Terrible controls, only fivetracks to race around and a handful of terrible characters to race as.

Is this Dr. Nerdlove weekly column? I need help!

One of my favorite quests in EarthBound, and that’s saying a lot since I love everything about EB (even the underwhelming gameplay). I love how Itoi re-visited the concept of a society being overrun by a powerful cult in Mother 3... now if only Nintendo ever decides to publish said game outside of Japan D:

It is for the limited resources of the Switch, but compared to the PS4's last 10 minutes of gameplay....

Double Post Ahooooyyy!

Rihanna pays us to link to her songs. Elton John want us to pay him to link to his songs... capitalism gone wrong.

I think the game itself tells you when Grizzco is open for business next.... I might be wrong tho.

Yes. This is what you get for not joining the cool kids/squids club :(

I like to refer to the Griller as the Webber... Cause that’s how my grill looks, and it’s always full of delish cuts!

Narelle Who-Sang? Also, I bet that Bertollini guy thinks he’s so huge and stuff!