
Well... I meant when it comes to press coverage. Yooka-Laylee is composed by a tema of celebrity developers, while Hat in Time on the other hand... they’re just regular devs (that doesn’t mean they’re not talented, just their status in the gaming world).

If I recall correctly (don’t take my word for granted), they wanted to get the PC release out first, then port the game to consoles. I do know for a fact that they’re still aiming for a late 2015 release.

Now playing

Well... that was the alpha build released over a year ago... the beta was released a few months ago and it’s looking much better.

I feel a bit bad about the other guys who were also trying to revive the genre. Hat in Time has now perished to be under the shadow of Yooka-Laylee...

Well.. that’s what happens when you ask the creative director (a guy who probably knows nothing about marketing and sales) to talk on behalf of the company. Phillips realized this and pressed Smith further like Phoenix Wright does with a dubious witness. I have no doubt that this interview won’t affect the sales

Best part of that Eurogamer interview...

Eep! Now I know how it feels to be on the other side of the viewfinder~

They could... but they won’t~

And that’s why I said less than 5% you have no idea how much i’ve tried to raise the awareness for the Mother series at TAY (the Koutaku sub-blog) and only one reader has got back to me saying he’s playing Mother 3. It is an incredibly niche series... more niche than anything that comes out for the Vita.

All in all... I coudl tell you that albeit the negative reception Nintendo got because of their lacklustre Digital Event, their showfloor was different, most of their games were playable, with a huge number of them coming out later this year.

I think they believe it’ll steal some of the shine away from the Persona series...

You don’t know what a Mother fan would do for the series... I bought two copies of Earthbound even when I didn’t have a Wii U (both were gifts). In this case I guess they just want to convince a few more Mother fans to hop on the Wii U wagon... at this stage they will take what they can, just like a pigeon on 5th

They will never admit it... first of all, remember Reggie doesn’t have a lot of power, Like Stephen said, his role is of Marketing, and what they have done in recent years is admirable, but still all their actions depends on what Japan says. Let’s say Reggie goes rogue and admits they have been hobbling the 3DS VC,

Cause they need that audience on the Wii U not the 3DS... as simple as that.

It doesn’t help that the questions being asked were s dull as the demo... but yah, the game looked just like any other Souls game, only a bit faster. I need at least more than a 15 min demo to judge how it compares next to the other games in the series.

You need the wiimotes =\

Wahay! Thanks Richard ^^ Been looking forward for this game... hopefully we’ll get an announcement on E3 <3

Peeps have issues =|

There’s only one solution... spend the night drinking while waiting for the game!

Also has one of the greatest OP songs ever!