
I know you rarely link to sources that are not Kotaku’s opinions, but is it possible to add a small blip for the TAY Review?

Because believe it or not, watching the enemy movement is an essential element in the game design, the FF makes it difficult to track some of their movements, specially on N3DS consoles.

Congrats GiantDonkDetective

We can get gelato while you buss my face up~

Can’t wait~

Touché, mister~

Touche, mister~

No Code Name S.T.E.A.M. love? Then who will save the queen?

Thanks for the share Andras ^^;

Walmart and Amazon are selling Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. for $34.15 (15% off)

Walmart and Amazon are selling Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. for $34.15 (15% off)

Double Post Ahoy!!

But a difference of one second doesn't really make a difference in the big picture.

In this case.. Henry Flemming was invited to attend an event at London, John Henry was doing his ambassadorial duties for the US and the President had some matter to discuss with the Queen.

Why? It's Waddle Deo~

Troll the respawn, Jeremy!



More charm = Pirates ^^ which are easily more relatable than... mountains and bears :3 but yep I agree, the game did improve on what DKC2 did!

It's the game that came before Airbound Blade, but after The Wind Reveler... Duh! Everyone knows that!

I'm not a collector... but I see the appeal in collecting the figures themselves, after all they are not very expensive, serve a purpose in the game, and come on they're Nintendo figurines.