
Whatever, teachers aren’t saints and everyone has to blow off steam about their work. It’s also a well known fact that teenagers are awful (I can say that, having once been an awful teen myself). Maybe work on your firewalls or something.

I know you meant to say that Moore and Adams’ house was ‘stocked with Perrier’... but Perrior just sounds like a hilarious knock-off brand.

Considering he had to pay her a parity payment, those borelords must have Adam’s pockets looking obese.

tbh, he should just keep re-releasing heartbreaker and 1989. stop trying so hard, ryan.

other than the two houses their split of assets reads way more normal than I expected. Like she drives a 2012 prius is just so normal I can’t take it.

I had NO idea Moore and Adams were married.

I think Mandy Moore SO GODDAMN PRETTY. Like, too pretty. SUSPICIOUSLY PRETTY.

Errrr...wasn’t it a Jezebel writer (I’m forgetting which one) who wrote an entire post about this topic without any clue that BL was referencing the Sir Mix-a-lot song?

It’s called Hope and it’s terrific. I keep it on my DVR for when something horrible happens in the news and I need to be reminded there are ways to get through it.

Ah. I clicked the Wonkette link and saw that it happened in March.

“You know what we’re doing? Silently praying that it wasn’t one of us.” Did you see the Blackish episode about this? Because it was phenomenal, both hilarious and heartbreakingly true.

The thing that scares me the most is the part where she thinks she’s being positive.

As a Pittsburgher, this woman is completely infuriating. She had been posting holier-than-thou Facebook posts for a very long time prior to this incident, and I was happy that the station finally took action after this horribly racist and excruciating post.

I’m just going to throw this out there, but I suspect that she’s wrong and that a black anchor would have been in deep shit if they said that.

Since Gawker got the shit sued out of them by a Facebook board member

Between this and the Stanford rape survivor’s letter, I’m pretty impressed with Buzzfeed lately.

Of course it’s a drop in the bucket, but don’t tell me for a second that if the rolls were reversed Sanders supporters wouldn’t jump on this as another opportunity to paint Clinton as being wasteful and out-of-touch with the working man. He needs to drop out. He’s not nearly as close as Clinton was to Obama in ‘08,

You lost, get over yourself.

Did the article get edited? Cause now the song is referenced....but I swear it wasn't before.