
Strip clubs have traditionally been run by the mob, and have been associated with prostitution and drugs, as well as tax evasion and other crimes. So actually, yes, it makes sense to regulate the strip club business.

I’ve had a lot more strippers try to sell me cocaine and/or sex than Uber drivers. While neither of those should necessarily be illegal, neither should ride-sharing.

And, frankly, it’s so fucking low to diminish people for sex act everyone enjoyed. What if she liked having that dick up her ass ? Don’t be such an Amber Rose, Kendra.

We get it, Kendra, Holly is a happier, more successful, and more liked person than you are, and you will never forgive her for that.

So... She had him when she was young? Because DAMN she looks good!

I KNEW IT!!! I knew he could never get past that! Did anyone read his tweets during Kaitlyn’s season? He kept subtweeting Andi about how HE ended the relationship because she was a liar. “Good for Kaitlyn for being HONEST ABOUT SLEEPING WITH NICK YAY FOR HONESTY.”

I’ll bet he’s #Blessed

That’s what the goddamn Fantasy Suite is for, Josh! Fucking is what the Fantasy Suite is for.

His response makes me suspect it’s all the more true. You can almost taste the smugness.

This Josh guy seems fucking insufferable. #RiseAbove, lol

“It saddens me and is very unfortunate that Andi has chosen to characterize me in such a negative way. I pray she finds peace,” which echoes the kind of stuff he likes to share on his social media platforms.

It would be an excuse to call me a whore.

They are showing how this kind of reality tv don’t care to black women.

I love that this show won a Peabody. “Peabody Award-winning Lifetime drama” is such a beautiful collection of words.

I like these show because it has female antiheroes. They are horrible and strong at the sametime.

They aren’t a private company (but not that that matters, just pointing it out). But completely agree.... they make a *lot* of money on people visiting several minutes every day. If they become known as a left-leaning biased site, they could potentially slaughter half of their user base. And, since it’s a public


As unpopular as this opinion may be, I don’t want facebook or buzzfeed or other social sites to be journalistically unbiased. They are NOT NEWS. they are NOT JOURNALISTS. They are corporate citizens and as corporate citizens they have a responsibility to take a stand (any stand) and help fight for it.

Well, this is a great way to get back at an employer that treated you poorly. Sic the entire angry right wing on ‘em.

I LOVE Barba. He is adorable and fierce. My friend said he is gay in real life and my heart kind of broke after that. No future for us :(