Cruise is a known moron.
The stupidity of this comment is actually amazing.
She may have been born white, but in her heart she will always be Hawaiian Tropic #3a Medium/Dark.
Let’s discuss the socio-economics of their fan bases.
*looks up from reading all the stories in the comments*
It's worse than a crock of bullshit, it's genuinely harmful.
nope because it is a complete crock of bullshit
Am I the only one who thinks Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” movement (or whatever you want to call it) is a complete crock of bullshit?
*sounds conch horn*
Tragic Kingdom, Return of Saturn (SO UNDERRATED), Rock Steady and Love Angel Music Baby will never not be some favorite albums of mine. Long live No Doubt and Gwen Stefani, for real.
Dude I am so sorry that being the singer of switch foot didn’t work out for you but calm down.
OK seriously, though — is there anyone (bride or not) who WOULDN’T rush to the side of their injured father or grandparents? I can’t even imagine getting the call and going, “Oh well, I’m sure they’ll be fine, I need to go make my grand entrance at my reception.”
top is the literal actual truthful definition of “dreamboat.”
Aaargh! I am so excited to see these guys when they come to Australia! Thank you for taking note of their extreme cuteness too! Especially T.O.P. What a dreamboat!
British singer. Very talented, in fact. Gorgeous, full voice, with a big range, well trained.
WHEN will Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio realize that their relationships don’t work out because they just need to get together, already
Yeah he is. He makes Peyton Manning look like Idris Elba.
Russell Wilson is the regular flavored ice cream of sports. He’s a pleasant drive through Vermont. He’s that feeling you get after that foot cramp goes away. Fuck that guy.