
I have a really hard time listening to her music after watching “Amy.” I knew most of the story on how the album had come to be when it was released, but I guess somehow watching it unfold on screen makes me more sad for her. I don’t think I’m explaining myself very well.

I was on bc pills for about 10 years, then recently got Mirena. The first month was a lot of spotting but that’s gone away, except a few weeks ago the fucking Red Sea was coming out of me! Other than that it has been great, no cramping or anything like that. My hair has started to fall out but I’m not sure if that’s

I actually know a dude named Whitey Whitehouse!

She was a thief! You gotta believe! She stole my heart and my cat

Oh fuck, my lady bits just clenched up in horror

Plucking is for sure the best. It’s just so oddly satisfying to pull everything out one by one. :)

I love this whole thread!

Only semi-related but I immediately thought of this PostSecret from years ago:

Ay, caramba!

Kanye also hung out with freaking TILDA SWINTON and G-Dragon!

The girl who posted this video is my cousin! She has been trying for years to get me to listen to anything Amy Winehouse but I didn’t get the appeal until I saw the first trailer for the documentary. I’m ashamed to admit that I bought into the tabloids and just thought of her a coked out waste of talent :( But now I

You do you :)

High five to us!

I didn’t enjoy it until very recently (I’m 32), but I grew up in a very sheltered home. I didn’t have anybody that I could talk to about what I was feeling as an adolescent so I blossomed very late and had warped views on sex. I have a generation of younger relatives and they trust me enough to come to me with these

Now playing

I know this isn’t a collaboration but they performed one of her songs after she was diagnosed with breast cancer!

I once spread my legs out on the LightRail (public transit system in Denver) to stop a guy from manspreading, and he barked at me that his balls needed room to breathe. I looked at him and yelled right back, “SO DO MINE!” I was in a dress, and he was about a foot taller than me but I’ve never been so afraid that I was

I like that you did not change their names! :)

I would totally join your Nancy Drew Book Club!

He always came across as very polite to me, but I only dealt with him a professional capacity so that could be the reason.

I generally just tell that they make me so fucking dry :)