
I get the chewable kind and you get like 32 for $5.50. Or you can get kind that you swallow at $9 for 60! I like them because they come in individual packets so I don’t have to carry a whole bottle around in my bag, and can just toss a few packets in at a time! I’m crazy lactose intolerant and I find these work better

Target’s generic brand of lactaid is the tits! Highly recommend!

Oh my God, good luck!

Which day do you have tickets for?

Oooooh, yes! I eat most fruit with salt - green apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon. Salt just makes everything so much better!

That does sound amazing! I have to try this!

Strawberries with salt is amazing!

Me too, I'm very hangry today and reading about lamb is not helping!

People who were born in the 80s are definitely not the same generation as those born in the 90s. Gen X for life with you!


I... I want to be your best friend. We know all of the same girl bands! <3


Try Portland Black Lipstick Company!

Portland Black Lipstick Company is amazing! (I didn't have anything useful to add to this :) )

:( I live in Colorado and this is the first I've heard about it!

He is - David is her adopted son!

I was young and thought I was being edgy :)

I've gotten the "Made in the USA" one too! I maintain that it's the most accurate cookie I've ever opened!

Love Donna!

I've heard that it hurts more for a guy to get his nipples pierced because they have to go deeper underneath the skin to do it. The piercing that made me cry the most was the bridge of my nose. Do not recommend that one!