
Don't be insecure! I was older than you when I lost mine and I only did it "get it over with." It's definitely one of my bigger regrets that I didn't just wait until I was ready. I always tell my younger cousins to wait until they are absolutely positive they are ready, and even then they still won't be ready so wait

No escape from reality

Oui! I saw her in Denver a few weeks ago and she sounds great live!

Can personal spirits hurt you? My cousin will sometimes wake up with bruises on the insides of her thighs and on the small of her back but she doesn't know where they come from.

LOVED Karen's album! So glad to find a fellow fan here :)

Mine is Theme A from Tetris, which never fails to make me smile when I'm having a super crappy day!

esa es la casa de mi tía, no gracias, soy alérgico a los crustaceos!

I had the exact same line of thinking!

I love that there are so many Coloradoans on Jezebel - I never realized there were so many of us!

High five for being super adventurous with food! I grew up the same way - single mom and half-assed cooking. My mom usually made us instant ramen but put eggs and vegetables and Vienna sausages in it to help with the flavoring.

I had to stop using Crest Pro-Health because there's an ingredient in it that was literally burning the tissue in my mouth! Watch out for stuff with Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in the ingredients!

I also have a male gyno and he's on the cusp of retirement so I'm freaking out about who to see next. I went to one of the female gynos in his office and when I asked her about getting my tubes tied she told me she wouldn't do it until I turned 35 just so I could "be sure" about not wanting children. I then asked the

Same in Denver!

They put those giant posters up all over my campus when I was in college. It was so distracting that I had to find new ways to get from class to class without going through the main area of campus

I just want to give you a hug for the Baltimore burn!

A Broncos Fan

Perhaps we should combine forces and share?

You take that back right now!

Ugh, tell me about it! He's on my fantasy team!

High five, fellow Broncos fan! :)

I totally agree! I can't even imagine if I hadn't caught him, I'd probably be married to him by now!