Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

7 PM Tonight! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

That’s the best X-costume adaptation I’ve seen so far... Deadpool’s costume department is doing a great job!

I think he’d be insulted. He usually aims for entirely insufferable. And that’s why I love him.

This film, currently called Genies, is being written by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift. They’re the team behind Freddy vs. Jason, the 2009 Friday the 13th remake, and they also recently worked on the Baywatch film, which will star Dwayne Johnson.

Ur just jelly because you missed the wagon to Flavor Town.

Anthony Bourdain is also kind of insufferable, too, though. He’s getting too old for his own shtick.

Zoe Kravitz is the person I just saw playing a girl struggling in the ghetto when I watched Dope, right? I don’t get it. By the way, watch Dope. It lives up to the name.

Isn’t it good enough to have the president say, “I would if I could”? I mean, the Medal doesn’t confer any special status on him, or give him 10% off at Red Lobster or anything. Once the President says out loud you don’t deserve it (and then pretty strongly condemns you immediately afterwards) it’s not like looking at

No, that’s an absurd and lazy comparison and you know it. Obviously there was a mechanism for passing legislation.

Star power? I’d say that Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas have more star power than Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana (although I love them all).

As a middle aged male virgin I am insulted you would think I would buy a Ted.

But there’s a lot of other romantic elements in the film, too.

Calling it now: The Joker’s true name is... The Joker.

Did the chair also shave Bruce’s stubble when it gave him the Joker’s identity, or did the truth shoc k the hair right out of him?

Man I sure hope, it’s somebody closely tied to Batman — Thomas Wayne or Thomas Wayne Junior or Bruce Wayne’s clone from Earth-X or a time-displaced Dick Grayson or maybe Alfred’s twin brother — then we can all learn it’s Bruce’s destiny to fight against him because *continuous vomiting until organs flop out and writhe

Let’s try that again. But with feeling.


Well now, a documentary on that film has revealed that Cage’s Superman actually would have looked shockingly great