Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

He added that incorrect priced items could always be refunded

Yes, Don Lemon being on television offends me.

The issue really isn’t that this particular juror can’t be fair because of his life experience, it’s that he failed to disclose that life experience when asked directly about it. This deprives the Defense of a fair opportunity to engage in the jury selection process. The Judge tied it all in a bow by saying that

If a potential juror answers that they were a victim of a crime, the follow-up is “can you remain unbiased?”

Grooming and cleanliness makes oral sex so much more relaxing and sexy. If I’m not fresh from the shower, don’t put your mouth there! And that applies to everyone.

A good trim is also useful for preventing swamp crotch.

Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.

the PlayStation 4 version, however, is rock solid.

But my tattoo artist told me it was the serenity prayer!

Needles in my spermatic cord? Oh, hell no.

Are you kidding me? Not Galette? The evidence in this video is DAMNING.

This is a clear human rights violation - anyone who shoots smartphone video in portrait mode should be made to answer for it. WE DEMAND PROSECUTION.

What’s the difference between a gifted short person and an STI?

If part of your job could involve kissing, this is doesn’t seem unusual to me.

If you’re being hired to, among other things, kiss people on the mouth on camera, it seems like a reasonable question.

This is a big deal

If you have the NBC number, I will give you $1001!

Emma Stone, duh.

“On Wednesday, Mindy Kaling stopped by Good Morning America to promote her new Inside Out voice acting role as the emotion “Disgust.” And—well—it was true to character.”