but the implication is that people ARE mad.
but the implication is that people ARE mad.
Calling bullshit on this non-news post.
How can she even know for sure? There were no “medical witnesses,” she hasn’t taken any tests to prove it. Maybe being born in the woods is fluid, like, do I feel like I was born in the woods? I might, depending on what types of advantages are available to me if I say yes.
She hates white people so much that she falsely accused her white brother of sexually abusing a black child so she could adopt her black brother and live a life as a black woman with black children.
I just masturbated to myself, too, Kim! We’re twinsies!
Why, its almost like consent is this fairly nebulous thing that is highly dependent on things like context in which it is asked for and/or given and the relationship you have with the person(s) you're seeking consent from!
Sure, whatever. When there’s reports of Kit Harrington hanging out around the GoT set next season, though, well, he’s gonna look like a real dumb dumb. It’s not a coincidence Melisandre showed up RIGHT before he got stabbed to death, and his “kingsblood” started spilling out across the snow.
I know you’re set to go with outrage as your default setting, but did you even watch the whole video? At the :34 second mark there are two men gazing lovingly at what I can only guess is their newborn child. So maybe just delete the last part of your bland as fuck story but keep the top I hate all corporations part.
Eh, most of them have a cap you can put back on so you don’t actually touch any pee. And it’s not like they drip or anything, unless you’re peeing all over it (which would make it invalid, anyway).
Actually, her mother confirmed KStew’s bisexuality, directly referencing that she is attracted to both men and women and has had/is having relationships with both. Way to contribute to bi erasure, Jezebel!
I’m a semi-retired stay at home dad. I would choose being with my kids over damn near any job out there. It ... just isn’t hard. I wouldn’t even consider it work. Before I retired from CPS, all the household shit had to be done with us both working. THAT was hard. Now that I don’t have a job and commute taking up 12…
Yeah, I was left uninspired watching her speech. I’m still holding out for Bernie Sanders.
Dolezal graduated from Howard with her Masters in Fine Art in 2002
Can I get odds on her being a Jez comentor who stars all the ‘lol white people’ comments.
Way to turn these poor girls’ victimization into a cheap PR ploy, disgusting Bunny Ranch dude.
Get on the gravy train! Toot toot!
To a woman, the “GoodFellas” are lowlifes. To guys, they’re hilarious, they’re heroes. They rule the roost.
YAAAS. Next to Rob Reiner’s mother in “When Harry Met Sally” she’s my favorite life to screen mom.