Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the

I have nothing but questions. So many questions...

So Amoruso labels herself a feminist, gaining cultural acclaim and respect and free press, but once it comes inbetween her and money she is suddenly a Koch brother.

Concepcion, pregnancy...write yourself joke. I’m too lazy

I call this “The Curse of the Self Righteous” All that fury and energy but directed at the smallest potatoes you could unearth.

It’s a star-off ya’ll

I find it hilarious you appear to think song is a key part of rugby or soccer. Like it is some blend of sport and musical theatre.

I think it was just the right amount of flippancy. The group earns such dismissiveness with their nonsense.

this can’t be a real opinion?

Fantastic letter.

You know what would teach that college president a lesson? filing a Title IX complaint against them!

Just to show how much of a Philistine I am, if no one told me that was a giant vagina I would have guessed a giant Ricola horn.

This is hilarious, tbh.

“I’d probably have 200 kids if I didn’t use condoms.”

jkredwine, please see the cartoon above. Thank you.

I think if one of the more current comediennes (say, Schumer or Fey) did this same bit, we’d have realized immediately it was a joke.

You are so right, when women talk about serious issues in public we should just assume that they’re joking despite a lack of indication that that’s the case.

Context does count for a lot. The context here is two comedians talking about their comedy program. What feels really appropriate, when it’s just a reporter and no recording, is to take it with a grain of salt when’s it’s filtered from them, to a reporter, to the page.

Exactly. But no, let’s continue to take everything so godamn seriously and then when it turns out it was a joke, let’s get angry about the fact that they dared joke about women’s issues, or that they didn’t save their joking for an “appropriate context”. The joke police is so fucking boring.