Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

Yerp. All blind items point to cheating. And if you can’t trust blind items, what can you trust?

I like Vanilla (ETA NSFW)

People who think they’re entitled to hug you are evil.

Excuse me while I go commit ritual suicide over the realization that I not only agree with Coulter on something but actually sympathize with her.

How the Jezebel Dot Com Commenters are Voting On “A Place for Whorship,” and Why

Bring some friends?

Finally! A church where I can really belong.

1:30 am service is hardcore.

Finally, a church that speaks my language.

change dot org petition to start referring to the jezebel dot com comment section as “A Place for Whorship”


I think this is a conversation that is not for you, and in which you have no stake.

This is something that baffles me as a bit of an outsider (disclosure: am man) - I got into a minor debate with someone on here a while back when I claimed that it’s difficult to call yourself a feminist and at the same time avidly consume fashion mags that exist to shame women into buying product. Another poster

Oh, the Clintons inspire loyalty, no question. And I don’t think any staffer would sell the candidate out (which also would imply that it wasn’t her, given that the initial report probably wouldn’t have gotten out as described above). I just think that the muckrakers on the political right would have dug it up somehow

What does “major” political campaign mean? Does it mean federal office? Governorship? Without that information, this could literally be any political campaign that occurred in 2008.

Huh... given that I could see any campaign try to cover it up if they felt the perp was “essential” to the campaign, I really don’t have any solid guesses as to which campaign it could be.

I’m confused about how Bruce Jenner is being an asshole. As I understand it, his car was pushed into another car during the accident. He cooperated with the police. He was not determined to be at fault. So why would he not file to have the lawsuit thrown out? Am I missing something?

J.K. Rowling put the Westboro Baptist Church on blast.

OMG I just started Daredevil and I’m almost done and I’m sad as hell. I’m actually going to re-watch it because it was that good and I think I missed a few things. Love it.