Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

Can’t I be team no one?

Kind of insufferable? Just kind of?

Of the incoming members, less than 25 percent are minorities

Woody, you’re not missing anything on Twitter. Stay far far away.

My reason for thinking it’s not Dear John is Dear John’s budget was tiny, only $28m, and being a tenth of any amount they reasonably paid Channing Tatum would bean she was paid in the hundreds of thousands for a Nicholas Sparks movie. And no one’s agent is that stupid.

Wow, I didn’t think it was possible for NBC to make it less likely for me to watch The Apprentice, but they did it!

Then you’re hanging out in all of the wrong places.

Hey, I just calls ‘em as I see ‘em. Low-efficiency technique.

Yeah, that’s another point.

Your twitter investigative skills are impressive! Your wine drinking skill seem to be kinda meh though.

Or Mamma Mia (she could reasonably have made a tenth of any of the male leads there). Or Les Mis. Hello, Huge Actman is Wolverine and a big Broadway type star. I’ve read some places guess Dear John, but I don’t find that likely.

“It is like being screamed at by thousands of people,”

They may be headed to your inbox, but they’re sure as hell not headed to mine!

You work at a place that gives bonus checks? Worth the regular boners.

Basketball shorts can either be the best thing a guy can wear or the worst thing a guy can wear.

So these are basically half boxers, half boxer briefs?

All the same, we can’t know from these heavily edited snippets precisely what Lee thinks of all this, and, of course, it’s none of our business.

I hate the socially ubiquitous high pitched babel they spew, juxtaposed with meme-style text plastered images of them, but that’s just me.

Passerbys who said “Oh darn! Now the whole place smells like fish!” were surprised to find the true reason was not the seafood truck.

The really bonkers surgery isn’t the one she did to the lips on her face. It’s to her other lips. Down there. (That was her, right?)