It was the most “over the top” comment I could create at the moment. I’m glad to hear you survived the fire. I was worried about you (and David Hogg).
It was the most “over the top” comment I could create at the moment. I’m glad to hear you survived the fire. I was worried about you (and David Hogg).
Please assure me that’s facetious.
Why anyone thinks seatbelts and airbags are a good idea is beyond me.
No, I’m talking mainly about benefits of guerrilla warfare, the defection of most of the army, the support from domestic and international military the right would receive, the arms and training they already possess, and that they would feel as if they are fighting for something of invaluable worth.
Disgusting god damned samaritans
Finest Kinja.
Two descendants of the Mayflower in my family tree. So technically yes but I don’t really consider myself white. I identify as a good Samaritan.
I live in her district and can tell you from on the ground, talking to real people experience that most people that understand politics even a little bit are extremely disappointed with this outcome. Not that Caps was doing a great job or anything. He wasn’t. But we knew what we were getting from him, which was…
Not clicking. Please send animoji explainer.
I get pissed anytime I see someone wearing a bandanna.
Paulie uses a razor to cut the garlic really thin. Melts in the pan.
“This will be great if we get it done, and if we don’t get it done, it’s just going to be something that we’re not going to like and that’s OK and I understand that very well,”
sounds like the GOP is getting what they paid for with gorsuch. I hope they all die.
This would be an excellent way to ensure the timely dying off of a large percentage of GOP voters. I’m down.
Thank you for what you do. For real. I wouldn’t have the strength not to hit those mutherfuckers.
Not to dox myself, but I’ve escorted there. My friend and I joke that our protesters are the kind of people who go to brunch and tip their waiters with bible verses. They always leave before noon, so we assume that’s what they’re up to next.
I absolutely think they would. Part of me things the GOP would actually like to. If you get Trump’s dumb ass out of there, you can put Pence in. Pence is every bit as crazy as Trump, but he’s way more polished and effective as a politician.