I miss tomato. the original one was a very smart person, and very very funny. then he got bored and left, and someone picked up his schtick and claimed to be him for a long time.
I miss tomato. the original one was a very smart person, and very very funny. then he got bored and left, and someone picked up his schtick and claimed to be him for a long time.
for the next upgrade, they’ll turn the screen sideways the *other* way. good to go for another 10 years, easy.
how dare you compare this gorgeous beast to a BMW? what the fuck is the matter with you? I ride a Multi, and if you said this to me in person, there would have been fisticuffs, my good man.
one grows into it - riding is not a static sport. if you buy it, you’ll end up using it (unless it kills you first)
I just clicked on that. If you “do puberty” to Ron Perlman made up like that, you should really stay away from the average Staten Island Man, even today. You’ll never stop “doing puberty.”
Abolish Harvard and Yale and Columbia and... Lol, sure, champ.
aww, did all these people being killed by police inconvenience you? so sorry. life is tough!
Hot take, bro! Do you have a newsletter we can subscribe to?
I was gonna watch, but then I remembered I don’t give a shit about what she thinks one way or the other.
This is premium grade internetting, my friend. Internet on.
this is a very instructive comment, so thanks for it.
hilariously, the very first response to your comment comes from the arch-nutbag berniebro, barackaobama herself.
judging by how weird they sound, yes
so you’re saying we should have been really nice, affable, even, to all those self-righteous folks calling Hillary a war-monger, a sell-out, etc., etc. and that that would have worked? really?
this is a top notch comment. good job.
only eating brown people. he’d find that yucky. whereas, those fine, delicate morsels of WHITE meat from WHITE people - YUM!
well, our Savior, the great Bernie, seems to like it enough to want a part of it.
if these “libs” are so bad, maybe Bernie should stop trying to run on their platform. maybe, you know, start his own very virtuous platform?
Sadly, this is correct
Internet man declares! Based not on extensive research performed by mega corporations to justify a major change in corporate direction and philosophy, but on his own magnificent gut! Everyone, take note!