Gucci Coochie

Hear that? You probably don’t, they’re violins and they’re really fucking small.

Seriously?! Why would you even write that, that’s a dog whistle for welfare queens and thinking poor people are lazy system gamers.

Wouldn’t it be nice if she didn’t have time to pick out new curtains before they’re sent packing?

Are you sure they wouldn’t just be like, “Hey, he IS just like us - and he’s president!”

A confident, qualified, honest, black, liberal woman. Sessions is living his nightmare. If only she was muslim and handing out vouchers for free abortions.

Can someone plz mock up a Mt Rushmore of Kamala Harris, Liz Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand  and Rachel Maddow? I will get it screenprinted on a denim jacket and never take it off.

Kamala 2020. I refuse to accept anything less.

Yup, checks out.

What a despicable piece of shit with that tweet.

I need a shade court ruling on “make our planet great again”.

So, some context about NATO the president obviously doesn’t know.

What I see whenever Trey Gowdy is on screen:

Toughen up buttercup.

How dare you forget about her emails!

And since you’re not the Editor, no one gives a shit about what you think belongs here and what doesn’t. So, you know, pound sand.

You’re doing the Lord’s work.

I’m not sad or bothered at all by his death, but I’m certainly not going to celebrate it.

Good, now you don’t have to, because the universe did it for you. You can go on pretending to be a paragon of virtue.

To a lesser extent this is my father. You’ve hit the nail on the head - Ailes did irreversible damage to our democracy through fearmongering. I hope he goes down in history as the Goebbels of our time.

To you, but to millions of poor brown people in the US or Iraqis whose lives have been ruined by the particular brand of conservatism Ailes was singularly responsible for promoting and legitimating, his life’s work was every bit as directly evil and impactful as someone like Hitler.