Gucci Coochie

Personally, I was never bothered by the fact that she was in prison, and I wasn’t particularly swayed by the argument that her penalty was unduly harsh. She was on active duty and she willfully endangered the lives of her fellow men and women in uniform. That’s a big deal, no matter how much people wish to minimize it

Hey! We found the greedy fuck.

$50Bn in ADDITIONAL federal dollars for the military. Bigger military budget than the next 7 nations combined and you’re worried about the $500mm (0.01% of t he Federal Budget) that PBS may get? Kindly go FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE and change your username

There are thousands of things my taxes support that I don’t personally use or enjoy — particular bridges, roads, services, etc. — and, I daresay, some of those are probably things that you do use or enjoy. So can you reimburse me for those things? If I didn’t support the Iraq War, can those who did reimburse me the

That $1.50/year for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is really a burden on you, eh?

With so much crazy I almost wonder if one or more of the WH staff aren’t supplying extreme fake news articles to Trump solely to encourage him to crash and burn. One can only hope.

Hah, you’re one of those special “liberals” who just by an amazing coincidence only parrot arguments from ultra-right-wing media and loves to shit on women. Dude, if you think you are a liberal, I have some very bad news for you.

So you’re saying that we can’t address small problems until we solve every bigger problem in the world? Should I stop vacuuming my apartment until we solve global warming, then?

So well put. Many stars to you!

are you fucking kidding me with that statement?

I feel like all offensive racial slurs about white people are totally allowable in this circumstance, please continue.

What the fuck are you doing with your life if you are a “premium member” to a Bill O’Reilly website? He was on nightly, for fuck’s sake. What could he holding back for his premium members.

I will donate to your gas fund.

Pretty sure “good things/bad things” sums up every president in history:

Probably because one of the best arguments against granting custody to the wife is that she knowingly married and procreated with Alex fucking Jones. Hard to imagine better evidence of poor decision making.

Remember, we have to be gentle with these right wing snowflakes and their safe spaces. They need the constant affirmation of their faith and their guns that they are indeed special.

All the stars for you!!!

Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump administration’s contacts with Russian officials. Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump administration’s contacts with Russian officials. Oh, look at the shiny bauble called: Blame the Democrats! Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump

You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.