Gucci Coochie

I suppose I should be surprised that this dude thinks biological isolationism is even possible in a nation with near 400million people. After all he’s part of the same group that thinks a wall across our southern border is a solid option for stopping people from coming in, in a world where we have planes and boats and

...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.

Thanks for the clarification- it’s very unfortunate looking and ordinarily I’d feel badly for the person suffering, but this guy can go fuck himself. His horrific skin is fitting.

*slowly backs away from all links*

Context, moron. Compared to Trump, Bush is a peach. Seriously, fuck off.

See that lack of stars on your comment?

LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES *dies of a stroke*

Like how racists love to act racist but hate to be called racist.

and in turn by obummer

The thing is, they could have started calling the Affordable Care Act “The Heritage Foundation plan” or something like that at any point in the past 8 years and taken credit for it once it started to get decent approval ratings. Instead they had fun tying it to Obama and getting it known for all time as Obamacare, the

This is what infuriates me. It is a fundamentally conservative plan. What the fuck are they going to replace it with?

“I didn’t want to go to the prom anyway. And all those girls who turned me down? Not a 10 among them. Maybe a 6 or 7 at most. Besides, the prom is for losers.”

A roast of Trump in absentia would be something I’d watch.  

Oh, how I miss him so.

They should give Hillary the seat and table that would have been occupied by Trump. Heck, maybe even roast Hillary as they would have if she was president. Heck, they could even make her the focus of the night and pretend that she’s president.

Yes, it’s too much to ask. Deal with it like the rest of us do.

This is awesome.

Come here.

UJMs are kinda like punk rock bands - to those of us not in “the know”, they’re all the same but say that to some hipster and you get a 45min monologue before they run off to their safe space.