Gucci Coochie

Please tell me you put that as an answer.

You lost all credibility when you used the term “leftist”.

Also, as a tax paying American and granddaughter of a war hero who gave more for this country than you would ever be capable of giving (based on the sacrifices his generation made to ensure that we grew up in a relatively peaceful world), I am offended that you would refer to our country as “decaying”. We are doing fin

So fuck off.

“I’m as anti-Trump as can be, but let’s just let him fuck everything up without questioning any of it for the next four years.”

Or monitor your criminal records and drive you to the precinct.

Might there be a rectal thermometer in every seat?

Do you think they’ll just broadcast it on RT one day? Leak it to Wikileaks? TMZ? Sell it to the Clinton Foundation so she can have the honors? The possibilities are endless!

I think horrible people are just naturally drawn to each other.

Pontiac Aztek.

This is too good

It makes Ivanka uncomfortable.

That would be amazing. I like your thinking.

This. Is. Hilarious.

Libruls want to focus on small mistakes instead of talking about all the great things W.E.B. is doing these days. 

I know your just kidding, write?

Jesus Christ, you are the worst. This kind of stuff is why religiousness in America has been declining precipitously in recent years; no one fucking likes you guys anymore.

You might know religion, but you nothing of history. The KKK was closed tied with Fundamentalist and Literalist Christianity in The 1920s. The KKK is and always has been a white Protestant terrorist group.

Wow. What insane horseshit.

It is almost as if religion is constructed around an individual’s opinions and based on a large book of varied stories that can be used to justify any point of view.