Gucci Coochie

Go fuck yourself, Scott.

Yes, that was the important takeaway from this joke, serious internet person

“He thought it was weird, however, that that part *did* mention him.”

For the record - mother teresa was a sadist who believed that the poor were meant to suffer in the name of Christ. She withheld pain medication to the most desperate to fulfill her own views of serving god. She also baptised the dying regardless of their religion or preferences, and accepted money from an embezzler.

I hope so, though I’m already seeing articles about how her  supporting Clinton owning a vagina means she isn’t “pure” enough to run in 2020. (GOD DAMN IT, LIBERALS. BERNIE BROS)

Nevermind. I thought you meant people were literally misspelling YOLO. Like YOOL. Or OYLO or something. I was waayyyy too excited.

Professor here. It’s a bizarre misapplication of peer review. Yes, if you have compelling new findings that contradict previous scholarship, you have to submit the data and your interpretation of it for peer review. This submission will probably be dense and likely only be understood by specialists, and that’s

Now I want a bush hat and to party with your dad.

I’m sitting at work, with you in spirit. I have 3 kids in public schools. All 3 will have her policies come down on them and at this moment if I could afford to send them to private school I would.

Maybe the bears will get her.

My dad threw an actual party the day Reagan died. I remember him calling me, already half-drunk, and screaming joyously “He’s dead! He’s fuckin’ dead! Come over!” When I arrived, he had a mini-keg tapped and his bush hat on.

Don’t forget the bloat.

Daily fucking reminder:

If I were the Obamas I’d post nothing, but pictures of me chilling for the next four years.

A former roommate used to say “Don’t yuck on my yum.” It made me croak a little each time she’d say it.

I hope you’re just making these words up and they aren’t the actual lingo of some subgroup of people.

Please to not tarnish my Oogie Boogie.

Yep, we all suffered loss and with American fathers there is a strong possibility that it involves sports fandom. I have a personal story about my father, but I not sharing that with internet strangers to use as a cudgel towards a writer. OP is the worst type of Boston dipshit.

Thanks for this, and I agree. You know what they say, “Words speak louder than Actions”.