Gucci Coochie

Jokes on them. I’m a dude. I just know a lot of drag queens.

Same! This is definitely one of his better roles and he appears to be enjoying the fuck out of it.

But that’s only because they line item the majority of it as “gay pirate attire” not “merchandise.” ;)

What is it with the Soros boner? Saul Alinsky not selling it to the stupids anymore?

Yes, that’s about as liberal as they come. And that’s the kind of thing that makes the left really not too fond of liberals. Kindly and promptly fuck all of the way off.

White people arguing over the different kind of whites they come from is the funniest thing in the world to me.

“I think that’s going to be very challenging. Does 3 Doors Down do comedy? I don’t know, maybe they do.”

Ferrets aren’t rodents, they’re polecats.

Give me a hint. Does your name rhyme with Dom Drady?

He’s busy praying for the damned soul of Ellen DeGeneres.

Sadly modern medicine will keep them alive.

Those Goldfish crackers are gonna taste reeeal good to you when it’s time to pay your mortgage. Taste my wrath, nerd

Honestly I’ll bet it was like when I met my ex’s ugly and mean new girlfriend. Just mentally going “hahahahahahahahhahaha NO REGRATS you deserve it allllllllllll.”

Something like this, then?

Gee, that’s funny. You’re so clever! Did you come up with that joke yourself? You should be a writer. I’m going to sip my latte in my Volvo and cry liberal tears, I’m so burned by your rapier wit.

Fuck John McCain. Here’s a guy who constantly positioned him as the adult in the room (albeit the unpredictable one) who could always be counted on to rise above partisan politics, to the point that he seriously considered tapping a Democrat as his VP.

If you take out total CA and NY popular vote, Trump won by 3M votes.

Man, you need to get out of that embassy, Julian.

Well you sure showed me.